Mayor Heather Fargo’s camp has offered THE BUZZ an interview — twice — and we’ve decided to take her up on it!
So here’s the deal… If it were YOU sitting down with Ms. Fargo, what questions would you want to ask?
Click on “comments” below or e-mail THE BUZZ at natomasbuzz (at) yahoo (dot) com.
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Here’s one:
Miss Fargo, given the history of using North Natomas as a revenue center for the entire city, why should we believe that there will be anything other than the status quo; that of taking money generated by north Natomas development and spent elsewhere in the city while we are told there isnt enough money to provide us with basic services; will continue to happen under your leadership?
Here’s my question for Ms. Fargo:
On January 11, The Sacramento Bee wrote about your State of the Downtown address. You are quoted as saying “I want to ask you to help make this the agenda for Sacramento . . . Every household, every person, even every business needs to join us in our efforts.”
“This” is “slowing emissions and dealing with climate change.”
The article characterized you as saying or implying that it needs to be “Sacramento’s top priority.”
I’m having trouble reconciling that with your views as quoted in The Bee’s “Candidates’ Views” series on April 29. For the question “How high do you rank police services?” your answer was “First. Public safety is my No. 1 priority, always.”
It may come as a surprise to you that North Natomas has suffered substantial crime increases over the past two years. From 2006 to 2007, while the city as a whole enjoyed a drop in residential burglaries of about 12%, North Natomas burglaries spiked about 32%. (Things seem to be improving lately, but we’re definitely playing catch-up.)
At your “State of the Downtown” address, is it accurate for The Bee to have portrayed you as stating “slowing emissions and dealing with climate change” should be Sacramento’s ‘top priority'”? If so, what led you to change your “top priority” to that of “public safety” on April 29?
Finally, do you believe there is a connection between our recent crime increases and the development of several large apartment complexes with very high allocations of “low” and “very low” income subsidized units (some as high as 90%, far greater than the 10% and 5% minimums that the “inclusionary housing ordinance” calls for)?
Homeowner, Gateway West
1. I would like to know what might be the options for Arco Arena or the land, if the King were to relocate?
2. Natomas is intended to be a Live/Work Community, what efforts are being taken to see that businesses and work centers are established in the community and how do you balance that need with the Rail Yards and Township 9?
3. I feel that the city needs more cops on the street, what options exist to make this happen?
4. How can the city help to advocate and encourage alternative modes of transportation ( Walking, Bikes, Carpools, Bus Service and Light Rail) to downtown and the rest of Sacramento
I’d like to know if the current Mayor can find a way to “sunset” the inclusionary housing ordinance that requires 15% low/very low income housing ONLY in new growth areas.
North Natomas is it. We get it all and the city allows for the builder to determine what kind (rental vs. for sale) and allows them to move all inclusionary into one location (think Terracina Gold) instead of spreading it throughout their market rate housing project.
Additionally, what will the mayor and council do so that no further inclusionary apartments are built PRIOR to market rate for sale housing, as is being done in the mothballed Pardee development off Blackrock?
Thank you,
Tristan Godt
Natomas Park Board of Directors