City Gang Tax Alive — For Now

The Sacramento Bee is reporting a plan for a new quarter-percent increase in city sales tax to help pay for the fight against street gangs moved to the drafting board by a 5-2 City Council vote Tuesday night.

Six council members would have to approve of the draft next week for it to go to the voters. Councilwoman Lauren Hammond abstained from Tuesday’s vote, but said she likely would not support it. And Councilman Steve Cohn was not at Tuesday’s meeting, but has already expressed his opposition to a sales tax increase.

If both Hammond and Cohn vote against the measure next week, there will be no gang tax ballot measure for city voters to decide Nov. 4.


  1. Anonymous says

    I am in support of this tax, seems like our City can’t find add’l monies to support this endeavor (no surprise), this small amount of tax is well worth it provided it actually gets used to fight the war on gang crime. I’ve sent an e-mail to my neighborhood watch group and included Hammond and Cohn’s e-mail address and asked them to send e-mails supporting this.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Rudy Navarro
    Natomes Neighborhood Watch

  2. I would have to disagree. It appears hastily written with no actionable plan and I feel it’s only been put out for consideration in response to pressure Ms. Fargo is feeling about the possibility of not being re-elected.

    I think it needs to be squashed.

  3. Jaymes Butler says

    After Supervisor Roger Dickinson failed to sale his youth gang measure to the board of supervisors from which he sits, he brings it to the city council. The measure failed in the county because it is vague with no real control measures on where the money will go and who oversees it. Don’t you think that the Sacramento Police Officers Association (SPOA) and Sacramento County Deputy Sherrif’s Association (SCDSA) would endorse a youth gang violence measure if it was worth the paper it was written on? It is Roger’s last ditch effort to appease organizations like Sacramento Area Congregations Together (ACT)and Fargo trying to resuscitate her re-election campaigne.

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