The Sac Bee is reporting the council voted 7-2 to approve the expenditure…
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so which two council members are going to get re-elected?
That would be Sheedy & Waters…
I am little surprised at the outrage this has caused, much of the money came from prior years, combined with grants and general fund monies. What is most disturbing is why havn’t the opponents of this expense attacked the city for all the other needless programs and services, does anybody realize the millions that are given to developers for their projects, how about the money that goes to SHRA for low income people, the money to run the program that monitors exchange of dope needles, how about all the millions being spent on the Crocker,hotels downtown, IMAX, or money given to rich people to relocate a failed supermarket,(Corti Bros). There is a new market being built in Del Paso Heights, and the developer said a few years ago he did not not need city money, now he does, and we are supposed to bail him out, why don’t you go screem at Sheedy, and all the money her district drains from us,the police presence alone costs us millions, let alone all the money to support a social wefare system and population. Before the police and fire unions complain too much, just think a little of why we are 200 million in the hole, 650k does not seem that bad, in relation to other wasteful spending are leaders are so apt at.
Sent from Ray Tretheway:
Hi Angelique –
I think you have asked the perfect question, in: “I just wonder though if this money could be of more service to our community if spent differently”. I believe this is exactly what has been on everyone’s mind.
I would like to share with you a sampling of the services we receive from the trees in our urban forest.
On climate change: A large shade tree stores nearly 5 tons of carbon.
(equivalent to an average vehicle mileage for a year)
On our summer air quality, ranked annually as10 worse cities in America , that affects our most vulnerable populations – seniors and children:
A shaded parking stall reduces a cars air pollution by 20%
On our nation’s goal for energy dependency:
A shade tree reduces home cooling demand and saves up to 30% on summer energy bills.
On our city’s transportation street resurfacing budget:
Shaded streets extend the lifespan of the roadways 10 years or more.
On our children’s health: early childhood over-exposure to the sun ( Sacramento has been ranked as high as second in California to incidences of skin cancer):
Shade trees absorb (and not reflect) up to 90% of the sun’s cancer causing UVA and UVB rays
These are a few of the truly remarkable services that are community accrues from our trees. By investing in the planning, management and best practices for our urban forest just think of the quality of life, economic and health benefits that our community can capture.
The Sacramento Tree Foundation just completed a study of our region’s urban forest that found only 12% urban canopy coverage. In order to optimize urban forest benefits our goal should be nearer 30% canopy cover. Our study also estimated 14 million spaces in the urban and new growth areas of our region as potential planting spaces for trees.
Thanks for the opportunity to expand on the virtues on a community resource and asset – our trees and urban forest – that is gaining recognition as a key component to the livability and quality of life of our neighborhoods and communities.
– ray