These crime stats compare November 2008 to November 2007 and also the previous months.*
Police District 1A (North Natomas)
- 12 residential burglaries (33% reduction) was the lowest all year.
- Business burglaries went up for the first time since June (20%)
- Vehicle burglaries were the lowest all year and reduced by 52%.
- Stolen vehicles were the lowest all year (9) and reduced by 70%
Click on image for larger view of graphic.
Police District 1B (S. Natomas)
- 12 residential burglaries (40% reduction) was the lowest all year.
- Vehicle Burglaries were the lowest all year (15) and reduced by 28%
- Stolen vehicles have gone down every month this year except January and are almost half what they were last year.
Click on image for larger view of graphic.
Police District 1C (Gardenland/Northgate)
- Residential burglaries went up for last 2 months in a row and went up 166% in Nov. (3 to 8)
- Business burglaries went down for the last 4 months and 16% (6 to 5) in November.
- Stolen cars have gone down every month this year and has reduced by more then half from last year.
- Robberies (unspecified) went up for the first time since January.
* These are preliminary stats and could change slightly. They should not change significantly so they are good to see trends. Some look fairly good, but we still have significant room for improvement so keep up the heat!
What about armed robberies? Why aren’t they listed?
I’m pretty sure they are included in the “Robbery Unspecified” category.