Event Information
Join us for our Sacramento area annual Tour de Cure on May 2. Tour de Cure offers a memorable day of cycling and fun in a gorgeous setting as well as the personal satisfaction of completing a challenging ride and doing your part in moving us closer to victories over diabetes.
Our routes feature full service rest stops as well as SAG (“Support And Gears” Vehicles) and mechanical support along the way. When you cross the finish line you will be welcomed back to enjoy a tasty BBQ lunch, a massage, music and other amenities.
The picnic grounds at Hewlett Packard in Roseville will serve as the start and finish line for Tour de Cure. All cyclists must raise the minimum of $150 to participate. Click here to register as a rider!
There is a ride for EVERYONE!
How Else to Get Involved
If you are unable to ride in this event or if you just want to help, there are many volunteer opportunities available. We are looking for both morning and afternoon teams of volunteers. To learn more about volunteering, please contact Mark Orgeron.
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