How Do Natomasites Stay Cool?

THE BUZZ asked our friends on our Facebook page how they stay cool during these triple-digit days:

“Cranked the A/C starting at 10am and closed all the blinds.”
-Jon Lee

“Installed attic fan and close up house before 10am …keeps house 10 degrees cooler.
Set AC at 82, we’ve used AC once this year!”
-Heinz Ludke

“We too closed up windows and blinds at 10am and turned on the A/C. Staying inside, with a quick dip in the pool later this afternoon to help keep the inside temps feel cool.”
-Valerie Sherman Ice

“Loving this weather! Now we have a good excuse to use the pool!! :) Of course, the neighborhood kids love it too! Yea!”
-Melissa Spafford Schreiber


  1. Anonymous says

    Two words: The Club!

  2. Anonymous says

    CalFit Pool and Funtastic!

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