Seen In Natomas: New Crosswalk On Del Paso


A new crosswalk on Del Paso Road in front of NP3 and Westlake charter schools is currently under construction. The crosswalk will be lit and will be a helpful aid in allowing pedestrians to safely cross from the north side to the south side of Del Paso to attend classes. Additionally, this will allow walkers to cross safely to play in the park after school. The City is working with the Natomas Unified School District to keep parents informed on the best way to get students safely to campus when school sarts. Construction is anticipated to be complete by the first week of August.


  1. Anonymous says

    I wonder how much more this is costing than it would have to put in when the park was expanded and the median strip went in. I told the city representatives at the neighborhood meetings that if they wanted park users to park at the school a crosswalk would be needed — the city was confident everyone would walk all the way over to Broadgate to cross instead of running across Del Paso.

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