The grant will be used to enhance and supplement an existing surveillance camera system. Currently, officers monitor more than 350 cameras around the district 24 hours a day. The cameras have deterred crime, improved security and have been useful in identifying, arresting and prosecuting subjects for vandalisms, burglaries and other crimes.
Chief of Police Christopher Breck said, “This is exciting news. We appreciate any assistance that allows us to further our mission which is improving the safety and security of our schools and community. It is our top priority.”
The increased security is also expected to have a positive impact on the district’s budget. In addition to providing al alternative source of funding for safety measures, one of the outcomes expected is a decrease in property crimes.
“The destruction of school property is very expensive, not only for our schools but for our community of taxpayers,” said Breck. “It is sad when those types of crimes happen because it takes sorely needed resources away from our classrooms. This grant will help us keep more resources in our classrooms.”
Security surveys and statistics will determine how and where to allocate the funds throughout the district sites.

Wonder why Natomas didn’t apply for this? We sure could use the help, given the current $$ meltdown!