Student On The Street: Traditions

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
We asked Natomas Charter School students:
“What is your favorite holiday tradition?”
Sophomore Asia Haynes, 15, likes to stay up all night as a family until 5 a.m. on Christmas Day. Once a year on Easter, sophomore Madison Patchell, 16, says the whole family meets her grandfather’s house – one of the rare times all the grandchildren in get to see each other.
Junior Chris Parsons, 16, says his dad hides a pickle ornament on the family Christmas tree. Whoever finds its first – his sister or him – gets to eat the softest, middle cinnamon roll for breakfast.
Sixth grader Emmanuel Subasell, 11, says his favorite tradition is making food for with his family on Christmas.
Freshman Marciena Maxey, 14, likes opening one present on Christmas Eve because it brings the family together and satisfies her craving to open presents until the next day.
Junior Claudia Pfeffer, 16, likes to cook and goof off with her sister which junior Caleb Mattsson-Boze’, 16, plays a big game of family football after eating turkey on Thanksgiving.

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