Inderkum Girls Beat Del Campo

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
The Inderkum High School varsity girls basketball team defeated Del Campo High in a playoff game Tuesday night in Natomas.
The game was close all night.
The lady Tigers led the Cougars, 16-14, at the end of the first quarter.

Inderkum maintained its narrow lead, ending the half 28-25 over Del Campo.

Scoring remained close with the Tigers edging out a four-point lead over the Cougars, 44-40, by the end of the third quarter.

The teams were neck and neck – a close 54-53 – when, with only seconds left in the game, Inderkum scored the two more points.

Final score in this exciting game: 56-53.

Inderkum will face top-seeded St. Mary’s on Thursday, Feb. 23.
*Angelica Gallardo Torres contributed to this report

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