Controlled entry measures were added to the old arena site in Natomas after the COVID-19 hospital opened there.
THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
Operations at the COVID-19 alternate care facility in the old Natomas arena will be phased out at the end of the month, it was announced today.
Starting in June, the Sacramento Kings will also stop charging the state rent for the old arena which has been used to house a handful of COVID-19 patients, according to a joint press release issued by the state and Kings ownership. The state had been paying $500,000 in rent per month.
The arena site will remain available to support hospital surge capacity and under state control through October 31, according to the amended lease agreement between the Governor’s office and Kings ownership. The practice facility will continue to be operational to support COVID-19 patients through at least June 30.
Currently, there are four patients at the Natomas facility. Three patients have been treated and discharged since the facility opened a month ago in mid-April.
“With this agreement now in place and local hospitals no longer facing an immediate threat of being overwhelmed by COVID-19, the arena will be placed in a warm shutdown status effective the end of May,” read the statement.
A warm shutdown mode keeps certain positions and funding in place to maintain basic facility operations so they do not deteriorate while the building is unused. The arena site will then remain available through the fall to support hospital surge capacity should there be a need.
The arena site in Natomas was converted to an alternate care facility to provide up to 400 beds and medical care as part of a statewide effort to expand hospital capacity amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
[…] A total of nine patients were cared for at the site during May 2020 before operations at the arena were phased out and the care facility was put on standby. […]