The interactive sculpture in Natomas can be painted on at anytime by anyone. / Photos courtesy Alicia Lewis
THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
Two families joined forces to design and paint of message of solidarity on the interactive “Authors of Our Own Destiny” sculpture in Natomas on Sunday.
“It was an effort between two families who’s kids have been wanting to show their solidarity with the black community and make clear that Black Lives Matter,” said Alicia Lewis.
About nine people in all helped with the effort.
Others stopped “to lend a hand after seeing what was being painted,” added Lewis. “Lots of horn honking and people yelling supportive messages as they drove by.”
The sculpture was painted by parents Alicia and Kris Lewis, Jim Vetter and Brandee Reimers along with their children Jaden, Oliver, Cooper, Xander and Anna, who are students at Natomas Charter School – Performing and Fine Arts Academy, Inderkum and American River College.
Authors of Our Own Destiny is located on Del Paso Road adjacent to the American River College satellite campus and North Natomas Library. This interactive public art installation can be painted on by anyone, at anytime, no reservations or approval required before hand. Check out more previous paintings here.
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