Residents can pick up their free countertop pail by appointment at the South Natomas Community Center. / NatomasBuzz.com Photo
THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
Free countertop waste pails are now available in Natomas to collect food scraps for a new recycling program launching citywide next month.
Starting July 1, Sacramento residents will be required to separate food scraps and food-soiled paper from other waste and put it in their yard/green waste container instead of their garbage container. Collection of organic waste will be weekly and on the same day as garbage service.
The city is offering one free countertop pail per household to help residents separate food waste from garbage. Those who live in apartments within the city limits are also eligible to receive a pail.
Supplies for the pails are limited and are being distributed by reservation only at seven community centers located throughout the city, including the South Natomas Community Center located at 2921 Truxel Road. Kitchen pails are available for pickup on most weekdays through Sept. 16 and there are several pickup dates, times and locations from which to choose.
Food waste such as fruit and vegetable scraps, meat, bones, eggshells, and spoiled food may be collected in the pails and transferred to the curbside yard/green waste container. Food-soiled paper such as coffee filters, soiled napkins and paper plates as well as any yard waste may also be put in the same curbside container.
Using a kitchen pail is not required, but may ease separating food waste from garbage and mixed recycling. A bag is not required, but only BPI-certified compostable bag or paper bag may be used to collect food scraps — no plastic bags or any plastic should be placed in the organic yard/green waste container.
The new organics recycling program is in response to Senate Bill 1383, a statewide mandate meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in landfills.
To register to receive a free countertop pail, click here.
For help, call 916-808-4900 or send an email to [email protected].
The Natomas Garden & Arts Collective will be reviewing the city’s kitchen waste recycling program during its meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. this Wednesday, June 22 via Zoom. Log in to get details, tips and understand the rules and requirements of the program. For meeting information, email [email protected].
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