Seen in Natomas: Walk-to-School Day Events

Photo Courtesy North Natomas TMA

Photo Courtesy North Natomas TMA

Photo Courtesy North Natomas TMA

Photo Courtesy North Natomas TMA

FOR THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz

Five North Natomas schools celebrated walk to school days.

For the past week, students and their families have taken to the sidewalks to walk, bike, skate and scoot to school as an alternative to driving.

October 7 marked International Walk to School Day, a worldwide event that encourages students and their families to walk and bike to school.

As a way to engage families to walk and promote their participation, the North Natomas Transportation Management Association hosted special Walk-to-School Day events at area partner schools.

Participating schools included H. Allen Hight, Regency Park and Witter Ranch elementary schools as well as Heron K-8 School. The campuses also have weekly walking school bus programs.

These events kicked off a locally-based “Walktober” campaign – meant to improve health, safety, traffic conditions and air quality, while improving community ties.

Walk to School Day festivities included organized walking groups, music, balloons and free breakfast for participating students and their families.

Another celebration is scheduled for next week at Westlake Charter School on October 14.

Photo Courtesy North Natomas TMA

Photo Courtesy North Natomas TMA


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