Fire crews attempt to control blaze burning the All American on the Sacramento River. / SacFire Photo
THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz
Smoke from a boat fire beneath the Interstate 80 bridge connecting West Sacramento and Natomas was visible for miles Tuesday afternoon.
Upon their arrival, fire crews located a privately-owned 85-foot boat on fire.
“Restrictive access issues have made extinguishing the blaze improbable,” read a tweet by the Sacramento Fire Department. “The boat is likely to sink and the Coast Guard as well as Fish & Game have been contacted for awareness.”
Garden Highway was temporarily closed to through traffic while firefighters tackled the blaze. A hazmat response was requested due to a visible sheen on the water.
According to a tweet, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Spill Prevention and Response Team responded and deployed a boom to capture oil leaking from the boat. No oiled wildlife were observed, they reported.
Fire crews remained on the scene late Tuesday. No injuries were reported.
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