THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz The "Authors of Our Own Destiny" interactive community sculpture has undergone several new looks in the past few weeks. This most recent version was painted by Elena … [Read more...]
Seen in Natomas: Misfit

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz The Authors of Our Own Destiny" sculpture in Natomas is sporting a new look. Have an image of Natomas life you'd like to share? Send it to [email protected]. … [Read more...]
Seen In Natomas: Girl Scouts Leave Their Mark

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz Girl Scout Troop No. 1020 made their mark on the "Authors of Our Own Destiny" sculpture in Natomas over the weekend. The interactive art piece is located on the … [Read more...]
Seen In Natomas: Prom Season

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz The "Authors of Our Own Destiny" interactive sculpture in Natomas recently got a new look when Makayla painted a message asking her paramour Caesar B. to the … [Read more...]
Natomas Arts: Spring Forward, Fall Back?

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz The "Authors of Our Own Destiny" sculpture in Natomas recently underwent a makeover - just in time for spring. The sculpture is visible adjacent to the North Natomas … [Read more...]