Heard In Natomas: Community Rallies For School

For KOVR 13 report on this story, click HERE!From Becky Pryor, secretary at Two Rivers Elementary School:The transition to the new school year has been as smooth as possible with all the budget … [Read more...]

What Will School Look This Year In Natomas?

NUSD SCHOOL BOARD MEETING IN JUNE 2009.THE BUZZ read with disgust this morning's Sac Bee headline declaring "all sides in budget battle gave up something" to balance the state coffers.While we can … [Read more...]

Heard In Natomas: NUSD Budget Cuts Deep

This morning THE BUZZ asked our friends on Facebook and a few others, whose children have already started school, how the Natomas Unified School District budget cuts were affecting their campuses. … [Read more...]

In The News: Demise Of Natomas Parks

In case you missed it, KCRA last night aired a report on the demise of Natomas parks in light of city budget cuts while brand-new parks are being constructed just blocks away.Efforts are currently … [Read more...]

City Announces New Garbage Pickup Schedule

Effective Monday, July 20 trash and recycling collection days may change for some Natomas residents.THE BUZZ's pick up day is changing from Friday to Monday. To find out whether your pick-up day has … [Read more...]