Heard In Natomas: City To Use THE CLUB?

Due to budget cuts the city has reduced its Parks & Recreation programs and facilities schedules which include closing the Natomas High School pool to all recreational swimming.THE BUZZ has learned … [Read more...]

In The News: Natomas, Natomas, Natomas

Shootings, Budget Cuts & School Closures – Oh, My!Natomas-area residents are still reeling from police and news reports that a North Natomas woman was shot at early Thursday morning when she wouldn't … [Read more...]

You Asked, We Got The Answer

Do you have any background info on why both North Natomas and South Natomas library hours are being cut, each losing an open day? Will North Natomas keep those same hours when they open the new … [Read more...]

City Announces Reduced Garbage Services

As part of Fiscal Year 2009-10 budget reductions, the city's Department of Utilities’ Solid Waste Division has announced several service changes effective July 6:▪ Monthly street sweeping services … [Read more...]

And In The Twin Rivers Unified School District…

The Twin Rivers Unified School District board of trustees will meet tonight to discuss its budget."Twin Rivers is in the same situation as most districts in our state, but with fewer variables … [Read more...]