School District Takes StepTo Avoid State Takeover Natomas Unified School District management and non-union employees propose to take a significant pay cut over the next two years in hopes of avoiding … [Read more...]
Opinion: Let’s Face It…
Times, They Are ChangingSubmitted by the CSEA Executive BoardDo you know the name of your child’s food services worker, their custodian, their school secretary, their health assistant? They know your … [Read more...]
Opinion: A Sacrifice by All Employees
...Not Just TeachersSubmitted by Bobbie Plough, SuperintendentNatomas Unified School DistrictIn a recent editorial the Natomas Teachers' Association painted a picture that teachers are the sole group … [Read more...]
Opinion: Natomas Classrooms In Crisis
What Else Is There To Give? Submitted by NTA Communications CommitteeClearly there is a crisis in Education in California, and it is hitting us hard here in Natomas too. Natomas Unified School … [Read more...]
Community Conversation In Natomas Tonight
Budget Cuts: What are we willing to do without and what are we willing to do about the rest?The Sacramento Regional Community Foundation invites you to join your neighbors at independent coffee houses … [Read more...]