So Much For Going Green

It's a sad day when a city led by a mayor pushing to "go green," which also happens to be the state capital, cannot sustain an environmentally friendly development project. And in Natomas no less.The … [Read more...]

Foreclosures Continue To Surge

The Sacramento Bee reports California foreclosures last quarter numbered 63,061 -- the most in any one quarter since 1988 when records started being kept. … [Read more...]

California Closin’

The California Home Furnishings store on Del Paso Road is closing its doors to retail and will only sell wholesale. Owners of the Natomas store are selling everything as a result.The end result? Some … [Read more...]

Another One Bites The Dust

The Promenade shopping center just can't hold onto 'em...First, it was L&L Hawaiian BBQ, then it was Johnny Rockets and now the Starbucks is slated to go according to an article in the Sacramento … [Read more...]

Because Some Things Just Bear Repeating

sacrealstats.blogspot.comComing out of the Natomas Landing meeting yesterday afternoon, some NATOMAS BUZZ readers asked us what we thought about the proposed project.Last time THE BUZZ posted an item … [Read more...]