Backpacks Banned At Raley’s

During a recent trip to our neighborhood Raley's, THE BUZZ noticed a sign posted somewhat discreetly on the automatic doors.When asked if shoplifting was a problem at the grocery store, one cashier … [Read more...]

Because You Asked

One reader wrote THE BUZZ, "Why do police do 30-day vehicle tows? I know they tow and impound for 30 days but what are some of the reasons?"Sac PD patrol Capt. Hahn responds, "Cars can be towed for 30 … [Read more...]

What’s Going On Here?

Three Sac PD units sped up Natomas Boulevard and ended up at the corner of Regency Park and Bridgecross where they apprehended a juvenile who had been riding a bike.Officers were called about a … [Read more...]

Officially Open!

One of North Natomas' newest businesses celebrated its grand opening April 1st. Here's hopin' for success! … [Read more...]

Tax Day Approacheth!

Second Property Tax Installment Now Due!The deadline for paying the second installment of your 2007-2008 Sacramento County property taxes is coming up very soon. Payments are due no later than April … [Read more...]