Input Needed For Jefferson Park Plan

he City of Sacramento Department of Parks and Recreation and Councilmember Ray Tretheway invite you to Jefferson Park Neighborhood Meeting. You are needed to plan the new features at Jefferson Park: … [Read more...]

Natomas Tree Lighting TONIGHT!!!

Click on image for larger view. … [Read more...]

More About Inderkum’s BIG GAME!

The Inderkum High School football team has made it to the Division 3 Championship WAY TO GO TIGERS!!!!!! The ASB has organized students to make signs and other … [Read more...]

Final Push For Fort Natomas Rebuild Needed

If you'd like to be one of the first people on the playground, please come to the final "work day" next Saturday, Dec. 6. Work will begin at 8 a.m. and will likely continue all day.Work which needed … [Read more...]

For A Good Cause

The NeighborWoods program of the Sacramento Tree Foundation plans to embark on a REALLY BIG project this month with the Twin Rivers Unified School District:Planting nearly 600 trees on Dec. 13 and … [Read more...]