For A Good Cause: Locks Of Love Drive Set For Sept. 19 in Natomas

BY BRANDY TUZON BOYDTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzUPDATED 1:28 P.M. SEPT. 9, 2012Girl Scout Troop No. 2109 is set to hold a "hair raiser" Sept. 19 in Natomas."Me and my friend Katelyn decided do to a … [Read more...]

Public Input Sought For Twin Rivers Superintendent Search

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzThe public is invited to attend a community forum dedicated to the selection of an executive search firm that will perform the superintendent search for the Twin Rivers … [Read more...]

Opinion: It’s Time To Get Involved

BY MONICA JONESSPECIAL TO THE NATOMAS BUZZExperienced Déjà vu today and last evening.I attended a teacher community forum* in which the language is now to enlist parents' involvement. So different … [Read more...]

Regional Park Vies For $100K Prize

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzFriends of the North Natomas Regional Park is campaigning to win a $100,000 grant to help fund future construction.The grant is part of Coca-Cola's third-annual America … [Read more...]

Elections Office Open Saturday For Voting

THE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzThe Sacramento County elections office will be open for voting on Saturday, June 2 for residents who may be out of town and get get to their polling place on Election … [Read more...]