Sci Fi Author To Skype North Natomas Library

Chat live with Cory Doctorow, author of the bestselling teen novel Little Brother, at a Skype video broadcast from his London, England home.The live, one-hour broadcast can be viewed at 8 a.m. April … [Read more...]

Digital Book Mobile In North Natomas TODAY!

CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER VIEW OF FLIERTil 4 p.m. today. … [Read more...]

North Natomas Library Exceeds Expectations

The first month the North Natomas library branch has been open, circulation reached 42,012 - about four times the number recorded at its previous location.Councilmember Ray Tretheway's office reports … [Read more...]

Seen In Natomas: Celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Legacy

At Heron School. … [Read more...]

Take North Natomas Library Services Survey

The North Natomas Library is conducting a short online survey on what people use at the library.The purpose of the survey is to improve library services. Participation is sough from the community at … [Read more...]