Natomas Meets New Superintendent

   PHOTOS BY CHRIS SHANNONTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzThe Natomas Unified School District hosted a reception this evening, June 6 for employees and the community to meet new superintendent Chris … [Read more...]

Natomas District Fires Longtime Employee

WITNESSES SWORN IN AT MAY 25 HEARINGBY BRANDY TUZON BOYDTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzMonths of embattled labor relations came to a head last night when Natomas Unified school board members fired the … [Read more...]

Storified: Nighthawk Graduation ’12

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Natomas High Receives 6-Year WASC Accreditation

BY SAVNEET TAKHAR, NHS INTERNTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzz Natomas High School has received a six-year accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.WASC representatives … [Read more...]

Charter Students Teach The Arts

HERON STUDENT POINTS TO RYTHMS ON THE BOARD.BY SARAH RUTHERFORD, NCS INTERNTHE NATOMAS BUZZ | @natomasbuzzNatomas Charter seniors kept busy this past fall semester teaching art classes - they … [Read more...]