What Did YOU Think Of Tonight’s Mayoral Forum?

Anonymous wrote in to THE BUZZ:"I was very disappointed that the organizers decided to change the format on the day of the event. The event went OKonce thing settled down, after Johnson appeared, but … [Read more...]

We Asked, You Answered

Sac Bee...14%Sac Biz Journal...3%TV...7%Natomas Journal...7%N Magazine...7%THE BUZZ...85%In a recent poll THE BUZZ asked "Where do YOU get news about North Natomas?"We allowed readers to select and … [Read more...]

Vandals Bust Windows At Area Apartments

THE BUZZ reader Josh Hubbard wrote in this morning that several vehicles parked at the Miramonte/Trovas apartment complex, 4900 Natomas Boulevard, were hit by vandals over the weekend.Apparently, … [Read more...]

Seen In The Neighborhood…

KJ stumping!A Natomas Park resident wrote in to THE BUZZ:"Kevin Johnson was going door-to-door in our neighborhood (Sunday night) about 6 p.m. My husband answered the door, so I missed my chance to … [Read more...]

Because You Asked

One reader wrote THE BUZZ, "Why do police do 30-day vehicle tows? I know they tow and impound for 30 days but what are some of the reasons?"Sac PD patrol Capt. Hahn responds, "Cars can be towed for 30 … [Read more...]